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Better Way To Write Async Function in Node/Express/Next - Handle catch(err) Only Once.

Better Way To Write Async Function in Node/Express/Next - Handle catch(err) Only Once.

Avoid Writing a Lot of Try Catch by Catching The ‘catch()’ Just Once. Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today. How annoying it is to write a lot of try-catch for each async function in an

Create An Instant Search Feature With Meilisearch In A React Frontend

Create An Instant Search Feature With Meilisearch In A React Frontend

Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today.Meilisearch is an open-source search engine database alternative to Elastic Search or Algolia. It gives fast autocomplete with under 50ms database query performance. How Meilisearch WorksAfter installing, Meilisearch provides

Discover the new features of NextJS 12 on Qoddi app platform

Discover the new features of NextJS 12 on Qoddi app platform

Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today.In this tutorial, we will look into the newest NextJS 12 features and use them in a simple project. NextJS 12 comes with a few exciting features. The most

Create a Reusable Text Input With React Hook Form

Create a Reusable Text Input With React Hook Form

Deploy your React and Node app in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today. Sometimes, managing several input fields gets crazy complex. You may need to recreate the same thing for each form and that’s can be really time-consuming.

Store and retrieve static assets on AWS S3 with NodeJS on Qoddi

Store and retrieve static assets on AWS S3 with NodeJS on Qoddi

Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today. AWS S3 is a cloud storage service that saves data as an object associated with a key. Objects are like files and keys are like filenames. Objects are stored

Create a static version of your blog using WordPress and Gatsby

Create a static version of your blog using WordPress and Gatsby

Deploy your code in seconds, with no infrastructure to manage. Qoddi App Platform is free for developers! Create an account today.At Qoddi, we use every day and love modern, static frameworks like Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, and others. Gatsby, with its huge community and user base, is the first framework
